Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Shelter wild

Since I want to be a vet I have liked big animals...

My dream is to live in any country where there are wild animals these shelters. When I was more little I saw on TV how people breed and cared the lions and elephants and say "I want to be like them!". Always imagine than so incredible is have a direct contact with them without much risk. I would like to travel to other countries for know more of this jobs, can interact with wild animals and increase my knowledge about them.

Now, as this is a hard possibillity because to get a job in abroad is really complicate. So as my second option would work in a zoo. This is the case that most resembles to the that I want. Unfortunately in Chile there are not many opportunities in that category because here aren't many zoos...

For this moment I resign me with to visit the zoos for feel my dream each time most near hahaha

Monday, November 15, 2010


In the first semester my favorite subject was zoology because it the most closer to our career, was the only class we really saw something related with the animals…. Unfortunately I overcame for my laziness and reprove the class, but I still like me, therefore I want to do for a second time.
Now, what I like more in this semester is anatomy for a similar reason. It’s one of the class that are closer to the expectations one has of the carrer. I love to know specially the things about dog staff’s and can come to home to learn with my pets hahaha.
On the other way, Anatomy is a subject more funny to me, because I hate biochemistry and biology, ecology is very boring, histology I like until I discovered it was not easy as expected. And finally English es very complicated to me.
Clear that these days I don’t like much, because I have a test in the next Wednesday and I very concerned. The only disadvantage is that… is so much to learn in a short period of time. Better and gone to study for me continue enjoying the class…
Bye ! =)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I admire to....

It's is awful!!! I don't know who admire really =( so I'll talk of a friend of de Uni.

He's Gianfrango Lagos. He is in his second year of the career, live in Maipu and sincerely I don't remember how know him hahaha.  He is a great person, have a admirable dedication for his work, he love the animals and always goes to the "voluntary works" that organize the faculty =).
But the reason more important for admire him is than he's so inteligent!. He has so much free time for the partys and recitals and even so has marks very well!!! Gian and the friend Tomi often go to the partys and though they study little they are doing well.
He is so cool!

 I  hope than this doesn't harm  my mark hahaha.
Forgive me for I'm not creative! :(

Bye people!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Me and my profession

Since my 8 years approximately I feel love for the animals. I always wanted study Veterinary Medicine because feel that the animals are beings very important for the population. Also they are valuable to me, therofore I'm interested in your health.

The dedication of the student of this career is what made me decide to study Veterinary. Moreover almost every people love the animals !... well, no everyone people does and for this reason I decided study this carrer to, for help  the animals of this class of people who mistreat them.

Also since younger I wanted study in this University for the prestige and for this reason i haven't regreted. I'm happy for study here because almost the people is very nice.

I believe that it's a  area of investigation, though it's very complicate and it requieres a big social responsability.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

About me

Hi !! My name is Vanessa, I'm 18 years old, i'm student of Veterinary Medicine in the University of Chile.
In my free time I listen music, watch tv and sleep very much.

This is my first blog, and is very complicated because is in English and to me it's a hard languaje to learn.
I don't know what agree for my blog for to make it more nice.... Honestly i'm not very concentred because now i'm study for tomorrow =s.